Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fundraiser at Baja Fresh

Join us at the Baja Fresh in Valencia, on December 7th!  We'll be raising money for our kids who are going to camp.  Please come out any time from 11am-10pm.  Eat a great meal and give to a good cause:  Our Graceland Kids!  15% of all orders placed with our event flyer will go directly to us!  Don't forget to pick up a flyer at church, or stop by the office anytime this week to get more.  Invite friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, anyone!  Thank you in advance for your support!  See you there.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Winter camp is coming up!  Mark your calendar for January 9-11th.  If you are in grades 3-6 this year, then winter camp is for you.  We will be going to Camp Cedar Crest up in the San Bernardino mountains.  We'll have more information for you soon!

Bible Memory Challenge 2009

Here are the 10 Memory Verses:
Week 1 Proverbs 3:5-6 Week 2 Joshua 1:8
Week 3 2 Chronicles 7:14 Week 4 Jeremiah 29:11
Week 5 Matthew 6:33 Week 6 1 Timothy 4:12
Week 7 2 Timothy 3:16 Week 8 Matthew 7:12
Week 9 Philippians 4:13 Week 10 Psalms 84:11