Thursday, January 15, 2009

Winter Camp 2009 for 3rd -6th Graders

Winter Camp 2009 was crazy and fun-filled from the very start. The kids (and adults) arrived on January 9th and were welcomed by the elements; wind, ice, slippery surfaces, and freezing temperatures.

Within the first few hours the events at Camp Cedar Crest had everyone wondering if this was such a smart idea! Not really but they had a pretty rough start. First, Josh fell into an icy stream and Pastor Tim didn’t think twice before reaching to save him. As Suzanne joined the effort to save Josh she teetered on the edge and almost fell in as well. Unfortunately, Pastor Tim dislocated his arm during the attempted rescue. But good news... Caleb saved the day by catching Suzanne just in time! Yes, Josh did eventually escape from the icy stream.

With the weekend off and running, everyone was eager to see what else was in store for them. The camp focus this year was to challenge kids to be examples in their love, deeds, speech and purity. Camp speaker, Tyler Johnson is the youth pastor from Media City Church in Burbank. He really drove home the message that it doesn’t matter how young you are; it’s never too soon to start living for Jesus and to be examples to a world that desperately needs Him. It was a blessing to see the kids soaking up God’s word.

As you can imagine, everyone was exhausted on January 11th when they returned from this event-filled weekend. But hey, 97 campers, 45 group leaders (and staff), wind, ice, and everything that comes with it, is a recipe for FUN and not very much rest. Thank you to everyone who participated this last weekend in worship, fellowship, growth, and play.

*Don't miss the pictures in our slide show

Bible Memory Challenge 2009

Here are the 10 Memory Verses:
Week 1 Proverbs 3:5-6 Week 2 Joshua 1:8
Week 3 2 Chronicles 7:14 Week 4 Jeremiah 29:11
Week 5 Matthew 6:33 Week 6 1 Timothy 4:12
Week 7 2 Timothy 3:16 Week 8 Matthew 7:12
Week 9 Philippians 4:13 Week 10 Psalms 84:11